Divine Feminine Meditation Candle


Discover the Divine Feminine Meditation Candle

Embrace the divine within and awaken the essence of femininity. Illuminate your path to empowerment with our Divine Feminine Meditation Candle. Start your journey towards self-discovery and renewal today


In a world often marked by hustle and bustle, reconnecting with the essence of the divine feminine becomes an essential journey. Our Divine Feminine Meditation Candle serves as a sanctuary amidst the chaos, inviting you to delve into the depths of your soul and embrace the nurturing and empowering energy of the feminine spirit.

Please note that our products containing essential oils may not be suitable for pregnant or nursing individuals, children, or those with certain medical conditions; consult a healthcare professional before use.


  • Nurturing Atmosphere: Infused with the essence of the divine feminine, our candle creates a nurturing atmosphere that encourages introspection, self-love, and acceptance. Allow its gentle glow to envelop you, providing a sense of comfort and solace in moments of need.

  • Embrace Divine Feminine Energy: Honoring the nurturing and empowering essence of the divine feminine, our candle invites you to connect with the depths of your being. Embrace the wisdom and grace that reside within, fostering a sense of wholeness and completeness.

  • Renewal and Transformation: Use our candle as a tool for renewal and transformation, allowing its radiant energy to cleanse and purify your mind, body, and spirit. Release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you, making way for new beginnings and opportunities.

Essential Oils:

  • Frankincense: Known for its grounding and centering properties, frankincense uplifts the spirit and instills a sense of tranquility.

  • Rose: Symbolizing love and compassion, rose essential oil soothes the heart and nurtures the soul, inviting feelings of peace and contentment.

  • Geranium: With its balancing and harmonizing effects, geranium essential oil calms the mind and restores emotional equilibrium, fostering inner serenity.

  • Ylang Ylang: Celebrated for its aphrodisiac and euphoric qualities, ylang ylang essential oil promotes relaxation and uplifts the spirit, creating an atmosphere of blissful tranquility.

Understanding The Mantra 

  • Invocation of Divine Feminine Energy: "Om Hrim Krim Hum" is a sacred mantra that invokes the energies of the divine feminine, representing qualities such as nurturing, intuition, and creativity. Chanting this mantra can help you connect with the essence of the divine feminine within yourself and in the universe.

  • Empowerment and Transformation: Each syllable of the mantra carries its own significance: "Om" represents the universal consciousness, "Hrim" symbolizes divine energy and transformation, and "Krim" signifies empowerment and protection. By chanting "Om Hrim Krim Hum," you invite these energies into your life, empowering you to embrace your femininity and undergo personal transformation.

  • Alignment with Goddess Energy: The mantra "Om Hrim Krim Hum" is often associated with specific goddesses in Hindu mythology, such as Durga or Kali, who embody aspects of the divine feminine. Chanting this mantra aligns you with their energies, fostering a deeper connection to the divine feminine and invoking their blessings for strength, courage, and love.

Our User Guides :

  • Detailed information about the essential oils used in the meditation candles, including their properties and benefits.

  • Specific mantras for meditation, providing insight into their meanings and how they can be used to connect with different energies.

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to use the meditation candles to connect with the energy associated with each mantra, fostering a deeper meditation experience.

  • Journaling prompts designed to enhance your meditation practice and align further with the energies invoked by the candles, such as inner peace or divine femininity.

How to Use:

  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space.

  2. Light the Candle: Ignite the candle flame.

  3. Set Your Intention: Focus your mind on your purpose.

  4. Chant the Mantra: Repeat the sacred words softly.

  5. Inhale Therapeutic Oils: Breathe in the calming aroma deeply.

  6. Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to your breathing rhythm.

  7. Express Gratitude: Feel thankful for the moment.

  8. Extinguish the Candle: Safely blow out the flame.

  9. Reflect and Journal: Consider your thoughts and feelings.

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